Jelly fish Source by Rosalind Fonem . 02.04 Researching and Organizing Information
Informational Research Chart
Who Does it Affect?
Supporting Facts:
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Mnemiopsis jellyfish eat the larvae and eggs of these local fish leaving the fishermen without fish and without a way to make a living. Also Mnemiopsis jellyfish also clog up power plants

Supporting Facts

"In the Black Sea, blooms of Mnemiopsis jellyfish are responsible for millions of dollars in losses for the local fishery industries who catch and sell anchovies. These blooms of jellyfish eat the larvae and eggs of these local fish leaving the fishermen without fish and without a way to make a living." - "In addition, jellyfish blooms can even affect the political stability of a country. A power plant in the Philippines was shut off after the system was clogged by jellyfish. Thousands people were without electricity. The Philippine citizens were so upset that there was nearly a political upheaval in the country. What can be done about these all these disruptions?"


Who Does it Affect?


Supporting Facts

""Science data shows that over the past few years there has been an increase in swarms of jellyfish,” said Steve Hay, a plankton ecologist. Fisheries are not the only industry affected by these swarms. In the past few years, seawater filled with jellyfish clogged the filters of nuclear power plants in Japan, Israel and Scotland. The plants were shut down after the blooms clogged the cooling water filters (intake pipes)."



Students in Japan are using it to make candy, and some jellyfish eat the Mnemiopsis jellyfish.

Supporting Facts

"“The Sea of Japan is filled with jellyfish and is disturbing the ecology and clogging our power plants,” stated a local high school student. “We decided to cook the jellyfish and make a caramel candy.” These students from Fisheries High School in Japan are hoping that their unique solution to the problem will help to save the Sea of Japan from the jellyfish takeover. They hope they can sell the candy and save the sea." - "Today, there is an unlikely hero in the Black Sea. A different species of jellyfish called the Bereo jellyfish found its way into the Black Sea. This species eats the Mnemiopsis jellyfish. The Bereo are creating a more balanced ecosystem. Although this has saved the Black Sea, scientists are wary about using the Bereo in other seas. “We are thinking about using the Bereo in other areas, but we are concerned. There is a real fear of negative ecological consequences from introducing new species."


Source A: Title/Author/Address

Jellyfish Take Over/Rosalind Fonem


Oil spills are causing the death of sea animals.

Supporting Facts

There has been a 12% increase in sea animals death in the past 12 months since the increase in oil spillage into the rivers and oceans.

What is Research?

This refers to the academic study that is done to understand a phenomenon through the use of the scientific method.

Who Does it Affect?

Fishermen and consumers


  • Heavy fines against companies that are responsible for the oil spills
  • Clean up of the water bodies

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