Respuesta :


     If a person truly believes that Jesus came to Earth, died on the cross, and rose from the dead 3 days later, then he/she shall be born again, and be saved by God. Then, instead of burning in hell, that person shall go top heaven, walking streets of gold, seeing those pearly gates when walking into heaven. The best part of heaven is that is is forever and ever, that is why it is so important to be right with God, because when Jesus comes back, that is it. Then, the 7 years of tribulation will come, and those 7 years are nothing but death, sin, and more sin, everyone will be running around doing whatever they want. Hopefully, there will be someone who knows what's happening, and they will start growing a relationship with God, and go to heaven when they pass this earth. Anyway, if you want to be truly saved, then confess your sins to God, and start your path as a child of God, and never, ever look back.