Artemis roman name, powers and symbols
Ahrodite roman name, powers and symbols
Demeter roman name, powers and symbols
Dionysus roman name, powers and symbols
Hades roman name, powers and symbols
Hephaestus roman name, powers and symbols

Respuesta :



Roman Name: Vulcan

God of: fire, metal working, stone masonry, forges, and sculpting

Summary: He was the son of Zeus and Hera. people commonly believe that Hera through him off mount Olympus because he was born ugly/deformed. It is said that Zeus married him and Aporthdity to stop a war between the gods fighting for her hand.

6. Name: Demeter

Roman Name: Ceres

Goddess of: Agriculture (grain, harvest)

Summary: Demeter had a daughter with Zeus named Kore (Persephone). It is said that her daughter was abducted by hades (slash willing went or found her way to the underworld and liked it so she stayed) and when Demeter found out she went to Zeus but he refused to do anything about it (because he gave hades permission to wed Persephone) so Demeter refused to let anything grow intel Persephone was returned to her.

7. Name: Hermes

Roman Name: Mercury

God of: Trade, wealth, luck, fertility (you see God's and Goddess domains over lap with certain things) animal husbandry, sleep, language, thieves, and travel (was the messenger for the gods)

Summary: Was the messenger for the gods. Was a born prankster and genius. Hermes was said to have aided the hero's from the Odysseus, and Perseus in there quest. Was the son of Zeus and a mountain nymph (you'll start to see a pattern with Zeus here, so if ever in doubt just guess Zeus was the father.)

8. Name: Athena

Roman Name: Minerva

Goddess of: Wisdom, War, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic war fair, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, craft, and skills

Summary: Athena was the daughter of Zeus and his first wife Metis (who Zeus ate while she was pregnant because of a prophecy) and was born from Zeus skull in armor and fully grown.

9. Name: Ares

Roman Name: Mars

God of: War


Hope this helps plz give thanks and rate :D

Universidad de Mexico