Respuesta :
A. Foreground
B. Middle ground
C. Background
Technique - Perspective drawing
B. Middle ground
C. Background
Technique - Perspective drawing
Space is defined as the void that is rounding the shapes and between them. However, shapes can also be considered as occupied space and empty spaces, as unoccupied space.
The main sections in which the spaces are divided are:
-Positive and negative space: A technique to create is the space occupied by important topics is considered positive space. The area surrounding these themes is considered negative space, for example, in a central image (positive space), the negative space will be highlighted with some color, for example, red.
-Smooth and illusory space: In a situation of smooth space, the forms can meet each other, through penetration, union, subtraction, or they can also be far apart, but they can never overlap each other. In the illusory space all forms do not seem to rest on the plane of the image or be parallel to it. Some forms may seem to move forward, others seem to recede, some seem to appear frontally, etc. The shapes can be smooth or three-dimensional.
- Fluctuating and conflicting space: Space fluctuates when it seems to move forward at a certain time and move backward at another, for example, spatial fluctuation creates interesting optical movements.
The conflicting space is similar to the fluctuating one, but a little different. The fluctuating space is ambiguous, because there is no definite way in which it can interpret the spatial situation, but this type of space provides an absurd spatial situation, which seems impossible to interpret. In the conflict space, the situation seems absurd because it does not exist in reality.