Follows are the code to this question:
#include <iostream>//defining header file
#include <vector>//defining header file
#include <algorithm>//defining header file
#include <iterator>//defining header file
using namespace std;//use namespace
void series_of_letters(vector<char> &d)//defining a method series_of_letters that accept a vector array
char f = *min_element(d.begin(), d.end()); //defining a character array that holds parameter address
int k = 0;//defining integer vaiable
std::transform(d.begin(), d.end(), d.begin(), [&f, &k](char c) -> char//use namespace that uses transform method
return (char)(f + k++);//return transform values
int main() //defining main method
vector<char> x{ 'h', 'a', 'd' };//defining vector array x that holds character value
series_of_letters(x);//calling series_of_letters method
std::copy(x.begin(),x.end(),//use namespace to copy and print values
std::ostream_iterator<char>(std::cout, " "));//print values
a b c
In the above code, a method "series_of_letters" is defined that accepts a vector array in its parameter, it uses a variable "d" that is a reference type, inside the method a char variable "f" is defined that uses the "min_element" method for holds ita value and use the transform method to convert its value.
Inside the main method, a vector array "x" is defined that holds character value, which is passed into the "series_of_letters" to call the method and it also uses the namespace to print its values.