isobars are lines on a weather map that connect points of equal?

A.air pressure B.temperature

Respuesta :

Answer:Isobars: lines of constant pressure. A line drawn on a weather map connecting points of equal pressure is called an "isobar". Isobars are generated from mean sea-level pressure reports and are given in millibars.

An isotherm (from θέρμη or thermē, meaning 'heat') is a line that connects points on a map that have the same temperature. Therefore, all points through which an isotherm passes have the same or equal temperatures at the time indicated. An isotherm at 0 °C is called the freezing level.An isoline is a line that connects points of equal value. For instance, the brown contour lines on a topographic map connect points of equal elevation. Isobars are used to show the distribution of air pressure .