HELP ME with this chart please

John Locke's Most Famous Writing: The Essay Concerning Human Understanding(1689), Thoughts Concerning Education(1693), Two Treatises of Government (1689).
Baron de Montesquieu's Most Famous Writing: The Spirit of Laws(1748), Persian Letters(1728), My Thoughts (1721).
Jean-Jacques Rosseuau's Most Famous Writing:
Discourse on the Origins of Inequality (1755), Discourse on Political Economy (1758), The Social Contract (1762), Considerations on the Government of Poland (1772).
Voltaire Most Famous Writing: Candide (1759), Lettres philosophiques (1734), Zaïre (1732), The Age of Louis XIV (1751).
John Locke Most Well-Known ideas: In the Two Treatises of Government(1689), he defended the claim that men are free by nature, and are equal against claims that God had made all people naturally, subject to a monarch. In his book, Thoughts Concerning Education(1693), he states the three words: life, liberty, and property. Baron de Montesquieu's Most Well-Known ideas: He is the principal source of the theory of separation of powers(government should be separated, and balanced to guarantee individual rights and freedom), noted in The Spirit of Laws (1748), I.e three branches of government.
Jean-Jacques Rosseuau's Most Well-Known ideas:
Rousseau's ideas in Social Contract (1762) heavily influenced the Declaration of Independence. He claimed that people would give up unlimited freedom for the security provided by a government, but also that people of the state hold ultimate right to power.
Voltaire Most Well-Known ideas:
I put the most notable works in italics, I am still adding on.