In Ernest Hemingway’s “In Another Country,” the major’s reaction to marriage reflects which of Hemingway’s major themes?
A.the relationship between the young and the old
B.disillusionment in a violent world
C.heroism and courage in the face of danger

Respuesta :

The correct answer is B. disillusionment in a violent world

This is what the major thinks about the marriage and is certainly one of the main themes, not only of Hemingway, but of all modernist writers.

The major´s reaction is B.This is revealed all through the story.There is a challenge in facing the enemy when one is a soldier at war.There is also courage and heroism, it is the heart of a soldier, of an officer ans the major is. Hemingway depicted a major with self discipline and intrepidity...."He had been a great fencer..."He wants to go on fighting no matter how the war will end or the chances for his country to win .He believes in a strict code of behaviour.