Recall that there are two kinds of life changes: social change and personal change. An example of a personal change might be moving to a new town. An example of a social change might be how many people have moved from using landline telephones to using mobile phones.
In the space provided, describe some of the changes going on in your life right now. Brainstorm your ideas and write them down. Remember, while brainstorming you don’t have to worry about organization or grammar. Brainstorming includes freewriting, cluster maps, and even a bulleted list of ideas. Make sure that you include both personal changes and social changes.
In terms of social changes, your response might include some of the following:
What changes in technology have occurred recently?
Are there other changes happening in society that you can think of?
How have those changes affected you? Are they positive or negative changes?
In terms of personal changes, your response might include some of the following:
What has happened in your life recently?
Have you learned any new skills or concepts?
Have you had any new experiences?
Did you make any new friends?
How have those changes affected you? Are they positive or negative changes?