Respuesta :




It occurs as the mineral fluorite (also called fluorspar), which is often deeply coloured owing to impurities. ... Calcium reacts with fluorine to form the compound CaF2. ... (lead is very close) as hydrogen the bond would be considered ionic! ... What is the most stable monatomic ion formed from nitrogen?


CaF2 is stable when it is formed because Ca loses two of its electrons. Both accept one electron each. now the Calcium is satisfied because it lost its two electrons and is now behaving like a noble gas, which is what they all want to be like The Flourine is satisfied because they both gained one electron, allowing them to have 8 valence electrons also like a noble gas.

The key is in the 8 valence electrons! Ca has to lose two to have 8, and F has to gain one to have 8fluorinefluorines...
