Death is abstract because it is presented as a concept, something transcendental that can take various forms, the shape of a murderer, the shape of a spirit and the shape of coins, that is, it is not known where death is, or what it is, nor how it will act, but it is known that it exists. On the other hand, death is concrete when it fulfills its main function, killing.
Pardoner’s Tale tells the story of three men who decide to avenge the death of another friend who was murdered by an assassin named Death. Then the three men go in search of this murderer and ask an old man if he happened to see the murderer called death, the old man says he called for death, but was not answered. At that moment, someone says that death is resting under the hill's parvora, the men go there and don't find the murderer just many gold coins. Driven by greed, the men end up killing each other. With this, the author showed that death can take different forms and that we will never know where it is and how it will act, because death can be a murderer, a spirit and even currency.