The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.
What is c:/>
This is a DOS path command to the C directory on the computer. DOS is a desk operating system that is widely used in IBM's personal computer and also you can you use it in your Windows operating system while going through the start menu, then select Run and in the "Open " field type command and then click OK. The command prompt will get open.
As it gets open you can see,
it shows that you are currently in the subdirectory "Lenovo" of C drive on your computer.
When you type cd.. it will change the directory to User directory when you will type again cd.. it will change to C directory on the computer.
then it will show you
where "C" represents the letter of the active drive.
Look at another syntax
where "C" represents the letter of the active drive and "PATH" refers to the present working directory.
Yes, it has a specific name that is Dir path command i.e. directory path command.