Make a conversation between a rail employee and a traveler. Use expressions:

-Hello, International Enquiries. Can I help you?
-Yes, I would like to book a ticker from Amsterdam to Paris for Friday morning. Can you help me?
-Of course. Could you just hold the line, please?
-There’s an express at 8:40. You have to change in Brussels, though.
-Is there a good connection to Brussels?
-Well, the train from Brussels leaves at 11.15. It would be a very short change if there is any delay you might miss it.
-I’d rather not change in that case. Is there any later train?
-Yes. The 12.26 arrives in Paris at 18.57. No change.
-Great. I would like to book a ticket for that one.
-Would you prefer smoking or non-smoking carriage?
-Non-smoking, please.
-Do you prefer front-facing or rear-facing seats?
-Front-facing, if possible.
-Alright. Your ticket is reserved. You can pick it up at the station up to half an hour before the ride.
-Thank you so much.
-You're welcome. Have a safe trip!