
The Britons had a strange and terrible religion, called the Religion of the Druids. It seems to have been brought over, in very
early times indeed, from the opposite country of
France, anciently called Gaul, and to have mixed up the worship of the Serpent, and of the Sun and Moon, with the worship of some of the Heathen Gods and Goddesses. Most of its ceremonies were kept secret by the priests, the Druids, who pretended to be enchanters, and who carried magicians' wands, and wore, each of them, about his neck, what he told the ignorant people was a Serpent's egg in a golden case. But it is certain that the Druidical ceremonies included the sacrifice of human victims, the torture of some suspected criminals, and, on particular occasions, even the burning alive, in immense wicker cages, of a number of men and animals together. The Druid Priests had some kind of veneration for the
Oak, and for the mistletoe - the same plant that we hang up in houses at Christmas Time now - when its white berries grew uponthe Oak. They met together in dark woods, which they called Sacred Groves; and there they instructed in their mysterious arts, young men who came to them as pupils, and who sometimes stayed with them as long as twenty years.

What is the author's purpose in including the idea of France in first-iwo sentences of paragraph 7?

A)to make the narrative seem more broadly focused

B)to contrast England with a country that had no religion

C)to parallel England with France in terms of their relative size

D)to show how the island of England and its history was affected by those
who arrived from other places