Respuesta :
Male or Female relative? It makes a difference.
1. How big was the school?
2. What subjects did you take?
3. Were their statewide exams (if American) or Provincial wide exams (if Canadian)?
4. Were their clicks?
5. Was there a football, basketball, hockey, volleyball team? Were you involved in any team sports? What about badminton or Tennis?
6. What were the parties like?
7. What were the dances like?
8. What was the hardest grade?
9. What/who was your meanest teacher? What subject?
The trick to interviewing someone old is to make sure you let them talk. If you can, interview a couple. If you are interviewing a woman, you can ask about skirts and hairdos? If a guy, you can ask about cars or anything that he can suggest as interesting.
I think a good question would be “how was a daily school day like for you, what were the easy days like, and what were the challenging days like”