Multiparty political systems are found in many countries that have parliamentary governments. Countries with multiple parties include Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Japan, and Sri Lanka. Most multiparty countries have four or five major parties and, in addition to these, there may be many minority parties. In most cases, each of these political parties has particular economic or social goals. Multiparty systems vary from country to country. Most multiparty systems consist of a few left-wing parties, which hold liberal or radical views, some center parties, which have moderate views, and a few right-wing parties, which support conservative views. In multiparty countries, one party seldom wins enough seats in the legislature to form a majority. Therefore, two or more of the parties will join forces and form a coalition government to direct the nation's affairs. Often the coalition parties fail to agree on policies and programs because of the differences in their political beliefs; therefore, the government ultimately falls. In the United States, the system of government is considered a two-party system, where the checks and balances of each party against each other is fairly even; the one party will win some legislative gains, and then the other will. The multiparty system is not as simplified as that. The multiparty system tends to produce a less stable government than does the two-party system.
Select the best summary and the best topic sentence.
(Select all that apply.)
Multiparty political systems are found in many countries that have parliamentary governments
Most multiparty systems consist of a few left-wing parties, which hold liberal or radical views, some center parties, which have moderate views, and a few right-wing parties, which support conservative views.
The multiparty system tends to produce a less stable government than does the two-party system.
Multiparty governments are less stable.
Many parliamentary government are multi-party.
Multiparty parliamentary governments are less stable.