
Jackson makes the prediction that Odysseus and Telemachus will take the suitors by surprise. Which detail best supports his prediction?

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If Jackson makes the prediction that Odysseus and Telemachus will take the suitors by surprise, I'd say that the detail that best supports his prediction is let no one hear.
If the suitors are to be taken by surprise, no one will hear about it.

If Jackson makes the prediction that Odysseus and Telemachus will take the suitors by surprise, I'd say that the detail that best supports his prediction is let no one hear.

Which detail best supports his prediction?

Odysseus doesn't want anyone to know he is back in Ithaca. He wants it to be a secret so that he can do away with the suitors who are pestering his wife Penelope.

Moreover, if he doesn't want anyone to see or hear him, it is obvious that he wants to take everyone by surprise.

Odysseus has been away from his home of Ithaca for a decade and everyone but his wife thought he was dead.

Learn more about Odysseus, refer to the link: