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Style is determined by:
2. The period in which the action is set. Throughout time, it is possible to determine specific periods in literature and writing by analyzing the style of the pieces produced at a specific time, as authors that are contemporary between each other often have similar writing styles.
3. Vocabulary. The words that the author chooses to use are going to function as the foundation of the author's style.
4. Descriptive devices. Normally, author are drawn to specific literary devices when writing, and these ones are going to help define and identify the their writing style.
5. Kinds and lengths of sentences. The way in which the author structures the sentences and paragraphs in his/her work is also a component of his/her style of writing
6. The attitude of the writer. Style is how the writer convey the message of his/her story. The attitude the writer puts into his/her work is, therefore, inherently connected to his/her writing style.