Some examples of parallel structure of words and phrases include the following:
Ashley likes to ski, to swim and to jump. This is correct and uses parallel structure. An incorrect version of this sentence would read: Ashley likes to ski, to swim and jumping. Joe likes singing, walking and diving. This is correct and uses parallel structure. An incorrect version of this sentence would read: Joe likes singing, walking and to dive.Mary wanted to make sure that she made her presentation creatively, effectively and persuasively. This is correct and uses parallel structure. An incorrect version of this sentence would read: Mary wanted to make sure she made her presentation creatively, effectively and persuaded others.Tim was considered to be a good employee because he was never late, he was very motivated and he was not lacking in initiative. This is correct and uses parallel structure. An incorrect version of this sentence would read: Tim was considered to be a good employee because he was never late, he was very motivated and he did not lack initiative.