"We need jobs here, and we must manufacture here if we wish to remain a superpower. We must stop shipping manufacturing jobs overseas and once again make the words "Made in the USA" the world's standard of excellence." -- Ross Perot, Not For Sale At Any Price
In this quote, Ross Perot is arguing against the practice of
A. purchasing raw materials from overseas , taxing imports to the United States
B. hiring immigrants in U.S. factories ,outsourcing to foreign countries

Respuesta :

I believe that the answer is outsourcing!

Ross Perot is against outsourcing to foreign countries.

Outsourcing is a business practice in which a company hires another company or an individual to perform tasks or perform services which previously had been done by the company's own employees.

Ross Perot refers here to a type of outsourcing called offshoring, which is the relocation of a business function to a distant country. Offshoring is mostly used to perform manufacturing, technical and administrative tasks.

The logic behind outsourcing/offshoring is to reduce costs to improve the company's profits. By relocating its business to countries with cheap labor, the company saves on wages and the cost of production is lower.

Ross Perot is against shipping manufacturing jobs overseas because this procedure creates unemployment in the USA. He is also concerned about lowering the standards of quality in offshore enterprises, and he advocates U.S. based businesses with local employment and high quality products.