Respuesta :

the answer to your question is man


The best answer to your question: With authority from God, ____ wrote down the concepts from which scientific principles were developed, would be: Moses.


It must be first remembered that neither Adam, nor Noah, nor Isaac received rules, or laws, from God. Although they all had contact with Him, and they all received inspiration from Him, it was not regarding laws, or principles. However, Moses, receives from God not merely the inspiration, but the actual Tablets of the Law, from which all of Israel´s laws derived. As Israel developed, and semitism took place, with the Jews expanding to other nations, and also with the constant expulsion by invading nations from their land, the law of Moses touched many nations and became the bedrock principle for many activities, including science. This law of Moses, is better known as the Ten Commandments, although Moses also developed a whole system of legislation derived from God´s inspirations thereafer.