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St. Augustine is before St. Thomas Aquinas.

The first lived in 4th and 5th century, the second lived in 13th century.

Saint Augustine was a converted Roman African philosopher, thinker and theologian who was born in Numidia in 354 and who became one of the most important and influential Church Fathers in history. He was named Bishop of Hippo Regius, in North Africa and through his works and writings many of the doctrines and ideals in the Catholic Church were established and some changed. He was a great influence in the western world of the middle ages. He was the author of two major works, known wordwide: Confessions and City of God.

Saint Thomas Aquinas was an Italian friar from the Dominican order who was born in 1225 and died in 1274. Saint Thomas Aquinas was a Catholic priest who also is now recognized as one of the most influential Church Doctors and thinkers of the Catholic Church. Also a philosopher, jurist and theologian, Saint Thomas was greatly influenced by Aristotle and he was the creator of Thomism and a proponent of natural theology.