Respuesta :

Certain geologic conditions help to support human survival:

1. Temperature, Pressure and the Earth- Temperature and pressure are key factors that determine geologic conditions.

2. Density-Density determines whether a substance will float on another substance and thus affects the composition of Earth’s layers.

3.Convection in the Earth- The interior of the Earth is hot. The heating and cooling of the mantle results in convection cells and movement inside the Earth.

4.Plate Tectonics and Volcanism - The Earth’s solid crust is composed of separate sections that constantly move on a partially molten layer of the upper mantle. Major geologic events such as volcanic eruptions result from these plate motions.

5. Carbon Cycle The movement of the crust and mantle allows carbon to be cycled in and out of the atmosphere, stabilizing the surface temperature.

6. Magnetic Field and Life the movement of the liquid outer core as the Earth rotates causes a magnetic field that, with the atmosphere, protects us from solar wind and space particles.

The Earth's structure is an important part of the Earth's system, which is composed of several layers. The movement of these layers affects the atmosphere and biosphere which in turns effects human life.