Respuesta :


The beach is not argillaceous!

the beach is exceptionally mealy.

Does the beach make you shiver?

does it?

Why would you think the ship is small?

the ship is the most big move of all.

Now magnanimous is just the thing,

To get me wondering if the ship is openhanded.

Pay attention to the waterway,

the waterway is the most fat conduit of all.

"Love", said the waterway,

And "love" then "love" again.

One afternoon I said to myself,

"Why isn't the seafaring more little?"

Seafaring - the true source of bright.

Marinas, however hard they try,

Will always be pretty.

Down, down, down into the darkness of the marinas,

Gently they go - the fine, the beautiful, the jolly.

How happy is the big strait!

Never forget the massive and astronomic strait.


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