A direct quotation is one in which you copy an author's words directly from the text and use that exact wording in your essay. Try to use direct quotations sparingly: only use them when they are focused precisely on the point you want to make and are both brief and telling, or where the substance/ wording of the quote is what you wish to address.
When directly quoting, remember the following points:
bullet for a short quotation, use quotation marks " " to indicate that these are someone elses words.
For example:
In fact, Rumelhart suggests that schemata "truly are the building blocks of cognition" (1981: 33).
bullet for quotations longer than three lines, take a new line and indent the quote to separate it from the main text (in this case you do not require quotation marks)
For example:
In fact, Rumelhart suggests that schemata
truly are the building blocks of cognition. They are the fundamental elements upon which all information processing depends. Schemata are employed in the process of interpreting sensory data (both linguistic and non linguistic), in retrieving information from memory, in organising actions, in determining goals and subgoals, in allocating resources, and generally, in guiding the flow of processing in the system (1981: 33-34).
Rumelhart (1981) attempts to unravel the functions of schemas, explaining them through a series of analogies.
bullet when referencing the quote include the page number from which it was taken
For example:
In fact, Rumelhart (1981: 33) suggests that schemata "truly are the building blocks of cognition".
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