In this task, you'll write three diary entries. As you write, please keep in mind the elements of diary
writing. You will probably have to do some research into some of the diary entry topics in order to
fully understand them.
First, choose any three topics from the six listed below:
Think about your biggest pet peeve and write an entry explaining what that pet peeve is and
why it bothers you.
• Who do you believe is the most fascinating famous person? The individual you choose can be
living or dead. Write an entry explaining who this person is and why you think they are
The author Mark Twain once said, "Humor is tragedy plus time." Keeping in mind what you
know about the words humor and trageny, write an entry explaining what this quote may
mean. In your entry, use an example from your life to support your explanation.
• Has there ever been a time in your life when you felt invisible? Think of this time and write an
entry explaining what happened to make you feel this way and how you dealt with the
• Many people believe that it is important to find ways to pay it forward in their daily lives.
Think about what "pay it forward" means. Write an entry explaining what you believe this
expression means and provide an example of this practice that you have witnessed.
• Think about a time in your life when you had to deal with adversity. Write an entry explaining
the situation. In the entry, explain how the situation made you feel and how you overcame
those feelings

Respuesta :


Dear diary,

I know I haven't written in you for awhile, but I've been busy with school. I had a really cool teacher this year that helped me through US History. Okay, it took a bit of energy and yeah maybe it wasn't personally fun fighting with myself to remember answers, but he had a game that helped me practice and beat the tests and quizes. At the time I was in class he waited until everyone was done with notes and gave us a free 100% for every chapter notes we finished. He helped everyone and got them finished in time.

I hope I have this teacher again next year.

Dear diary,

I have many pet peeves...

- People who can’t FREAKIN cover themselves when they sneeze or cough!

- People who interrupt when I am speaking

- Slow Walkers

- Rude/Slow drivers

- Know-it-all’s

- Someone leaving the water running and same goes for lights

- People who talk while their mouth is full

And that’s all I could think of..and these bother me because they just do. Like it’s rude, unhygienic, and not environmentally friendly.

Step-by-step explanation: