Dear diary,
I know I haven't written in you for awhile, but I've been busy with school. I had a really cool teacher this year that helped me through US History. Okay, it took a bit of energy and yeah maybe it wasn't personally fun fighting with myself to remember answers, but he had a game that helped me practice and beat the tests and quizes. At the time I was in class he waited until everyone was done with notes and gave us a free 100% for every chapter notes we finished. He helped everyone and got them finished in time.
I hope I have this teacher again next year.
Dear diary,
I have many pet peeves...
- People who can’t FREAKIN cover themselves when they sneeze or cough!
- People who interrupt when I am speaking
- Slow Walkers
- Rude/Slow drivers
- Know-it-all’s
- Someone leaving the water running and same goes for lights
- People who talk while their mouth is full
And that’s all I could think of..and these bother me because they just do. Like it’s rude, unhygienic, and not environmentally friendly.
Step-by-step explanation: