END OF SENTENCE PUNCTUATION Shark!" shouted the lifeguard, his voice cracking as he did so Under a so - called latte lvy" , people could be charged 25p for paper coffee cups I wonder what she will say when she gets here Have you been waiting long How do you do these on computor " to put infront off Shark!"

Respuesta :


"Shark!" shouted the lifeguard, his voice cracking as he did so. Under a so-called "latte lvy", people could be charged 25p for paper coffee cups. I wonder what she will say when she gets here. "Have you been waiting long?" "How do you do these on computer to put infront off Shark!"


This is the correct sentence punctuation, with the addition of commas, periods, inverted commas and question marks where necessary.


End of sentence punctuation is :

  • "Shark!" shouted the lifeguard, his voice cracking as he did so. Under a so-called "latte lvy", people could be charged 25p for paper coffee cups. I wonder what she will say when she gets here. "Have you been waiting long?" "How do you do these on computer to put infront of Shark!"

Thus, the correct sentence has Punctuation.

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Universidad de Mexico