1. If Alagir and Ertil open to trade, producers in Ertil would be more likely to lobby their government for an import tariff on iGadgets in order to protect themselves from foreign competition.
Producers in Ertil would be at a disadvantage because people in Ertil would simply buy the lower priced iGadgets from Alagir so the producers in Ertil would lobby their Government for tariffs to protect them.
If an import tariff is imposed, people will find the goods from Alagir more expensive and so will import less. The companies who did the shipping and retail of the goods from Alagir would have to let go of some people to save costs or because they would close down.
With tariffs to protect them, the domestic producers in Ertil can charge higher prices.
With the tariff protecting them, the producers will be willing to expand output so that they can sell more iGadgets at the new higher price.