Main topics: Basic Java program
Programmatic output
Arithmetic Expressions
User input
Program Specification:
Write a Java program that calculates and outputs a baseball pitcher’s ERA in a reasonable report format. "ERA" is an acronym for "earned run average" and is computed using the following equation: number of earned runs multiplied by 9 and divided by number of innings pitched Your program must do the following: • Prompt the user for the first and last name of the pitcher and store them in two variables of type String • Prompt the user for the pitcher’s number of earned runs and store it in a variable of type int • Prompt the user for the pitcher’s number of innings pitched and store it in a variable of type int • Compute and output the pitcher’s ERA, which should be a (double) floating point number Sample run(s): Pitcher’s first name: Josh Pitcher’s last name: Hader Number of earned runs: 22 Number of innings pitched: 81 Josh Hader has an ERA of 2.4444444444444446

Respuesta :



import java.util.Scanner;

public class pitcherValues {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       String firstName, lastName;

       int earnedRuns, inningsPitched;

       double ERA;

      Scanner in = new Scanner(;

     System.out.println("Pitchers First Name is?");

     firstName = in.nextLine();

     System.out.println("Pitchers Last Name is?");

     lastName = in.nextLine();

     System.out.println("How many runs did the Pitcher earn?");

     earnedRuns = in.nextInt();

     System.out.println("How many innings did the Pitcher Pitch?");

     inningsPitched = in.nextInt();

     ERA = (earnedRuns * 9) / inningsPitched;

     System.out.println(firstName + " " + lastName + " has an ERA of " + ERA);

