Respuesta :
Madero attracted the forces of rebel leaders such as Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata.
Two leaders of the rebel army during the Mexican Revolution were Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata.
Pancho Villa, was one of the leaders of the Mexican Revolution, whose military performance was decisive for the defeat of the regime of then President Victoriano Huerta, originally from the state of Durango, he was born on June 5, 18781 and died in an ambush. in Hidalgo del Parral (Chihuahua) on July 20, 1923. During the revolution it was known as El Centauro del Norte.
Commander of the Division of the North, he was leader of the northern state of Chihuahua, which, given its size, mineral wealth and also the proximity to the United States of America, provided him with considerable resources. Villa was provisional governor of Chihuahua in 1913 and 1914. Although he was not accepted in the pantheon of national heroes until twenty years after his death, his memory is honored today by Mexicans, Americans and people from all over the world. Numerous streets and neighborhoods in Mexico and other countries have been named in his honor.
Villa and his followers, known as Villistas, seized the lands of the hacendados to distribute them to the peasants and soldiers. He seized trains and, like several revolutionary generals, used printed fiduciary money to pay for his cause.
Emiliano Zapata Salazar was one of the most important military and peasant leaders of the Mexican Revolution and a symbol of peasant resistance in Mexico. As part of the revolutionary movement, he was in command of the Liberation Army of the South. He was also known as the "South Leader." Ideologist and promoter of social struggles and agrarian demands, as well as social justice, freedom, equality, social democracy, communal land ownership and respect for the indigenous, peasant and worker communities of Mexico, victims of the oligarchy and the latifundism of the landowners of the Porfiriato. Although Zapata was excluded, along with Pancho Villa, from the Constituent Congress of 1917, they are responsible for the social constitutionalism that arose from that, especially article 27.