Who helped make cars cheaper – from Detroit?
- Henry Ford
How much was the cost of a Model-T when first introduced?
- The Model T was fairly expensive at first, the cheapest one initially cost $825.
Between 1900-1914 how many immigrants came from Europe?
- About 13 million people migrated between Europe and the United States during 1900 to 1914.
In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania prosperity could be measured by what?
- The thickness of soot in the air
It was not unusual for you to walk into a mill and see workers with one what?
- Arm and a leg
What did a woman do in June of 1913 in Britain?
- Start a violent campaign in order to gain rights for women.
What was keeping black voters from being able to vote?
- White intimidation, poll taxes, Literacy tests, and Jim Crow Laws.
How did Booker T. Washington think blacks could better themselves?
- Washington believed that it was economic independence and the ability to show themselves as productive members of society that would eventually lead Black people to true equality.
According to Mr. Frank Truxall, what was one of the games that young people played?
- I spy and run sheep run.
In what year was the subway in New York inaugurated?
- 1904
Where were the toilets in the tenements?
- In the backyard.
In 1903, what was the name of the first American film to tell a story?
- The Great Train Robbery.