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Although eclipses are predictable they are still rare and can be different to the viewer every time. People who are religious who can take the eclipse as a huge event to them. We also know that, everything can change. we don’t know how the next eclipse might look because things could change due to time or unknown reasons. Eclipses are predictable, but can be extraordinary to see.
Most of the human race can predict when and how the eclipse happens but we don’t know exactly why. We know it’s because the sun and moon cross over eachother and that’s what creates the effect but what if it has more reasoning then that. The human mind is curious and will forever be wondering why it really does that and it will delve deeper into the thoughts about it. The thought of something so far away being able to damage or even blind us is crazy and fascinating to humans. Us, as a whole can never truly understand other things if we can barely understand our own body completely.