Respuesta :
This question has many subsections, the answers to the questions are below
Independent variable (IV) is the variable that is changed or manipulated by the experimenter while the dependent variable (DV) is the variable that is being measured in an experiment. The control variable (CV) is the variable that is kept constant throughout the experiment. The DV, IV, and CV for the following experiment are:
Independent variable (IV) is the variable that is changed or manipulated by the experimenter while the dependent variable (DV) is the variable that is being measured in an experiment. The control variable (CV) is the variable that is kept constant throughout the experiment. The DV, IV, and CV for the following experiment are:
1. What amount of sunlight makes pea plants grow tallest?
IV: Amount of sunlight
DV: Height of pea plant
CV: Same pea plant, Water
2. Which type of soda has more sugar: Brand X, Brand Y, or Brand Z?
IV: Type of Soda
DV: Sugar content
CV: Same volume of soda
3. Is the height of a ball’s bounce affected by the height from which the ball is dropped?
IV: Height from which ball is dropped
DV: Height of ball's bounce
CV: Same weight of ball, same size of ball
4. Which battery will last the longest: Superlast or Energy Star?
IV: Type of battery
DV: longevity of battery
CV: Same usage period
5. Is the water temperature of Lake Michigan affected by the depth of water?
IV: Depth of water
DV: Water temperature
CV: Same lake
The factors that are kept the same in an experiment is the CONTROL VARIABLE
The is also known as the responding variable- DEPENDENT VARIABLE
This is the one thing that is changed by the experimenter- INDEPENDENT VARIABLE
This is also called the manipulated variable- INDEPENDENT VARIABLE