Respuesta :
Follows are the method definition to this question:
public static String repeatString(String word, int num)//defining a String method repeatString that takes two parameters
String Val= "";//defining String variable Val
for(int x = 0;x<num;x++)//defining for loop to calculate number of string
Val=Val+word;//hold calculated value in Val
return Val;//return Val value
Follows are the full code to this question:
import java.util.*;//import package for user input
public class Main//defining class Main
public static String repeatString(String word, int num)//defining a String method repeatString that takes two parameters
String Val= "";//defining String variable Val
for(int x = 0;x<num;x++)//defining for loop to calculate number of string
Val=Val+word;//hold calculated value in Val
return Val;//return Val value
public static void main(String[] ar)//defining main method
int num;//defining integer variable
String word; //defining String variable
Scanner on=new Scanner(;//creating Scanner class Object
System.out.print("Enter numeric value: ");//print message
num=on.nextInt();//input value
System.out.print("Enter String value: ");//print message;//input value
System.out.print(repeatString(word,num));//call method and print its return value
Enter numeric value: 3
Enter String value: data
Inside the main class, a static string method "repeatString" is defined that accepts two parameters "word and num", in which one is a string and one is an integer.
Inside the method, the string variable "Val" is defined, which uses the "for" loop to calculate the number of string and store its value in the variable.
In the main class, the above two variables are defined, that uses the Scanner class object for input the value and pass into the method and print its value.