Use a computer to type your writing. Then print it to share with others or post it online in a safe place.------Social media platform, BLOG
A blog is a platform for discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete information. Writings are reviewed and comments are made based on uoloaded writing.
Social media handles can serve as a platform to upload writings after its been done.
(B) Check your grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. ------PROOFREADING is done after writing to ensure accuracy, the writing is looked into properly for mistakes.
(C) Rewrite sentences, reorganize, add more facts or details, use more specific language, and share your draft to get feedback--------EDITING Editing allows a writter to put a final touch to the work done. It allows for reorganization of words, removing errors noticed while proof reading, and putting the writing in the perfect shape.