Pls help I will give you a heart even if you are wrong

3 goes with 2 match
6 goes with 6 match
4 goes with 1 match
5 goes with 3 match
2 goes with 5 match
1 goes with 4 match
How is governmental power restricted?
- Limited government
How is power divided among branches of government?
- Separation of powers
How is political power shared among national and local governments?
- Federalism
Who gives the government its power?
- Popular sovereignty
How are citizens' opinions represented in government?
- Republicanism
How can the branches of government control one another's power?
- Checks and balances
Limited government - limits are placed on government power
Separation of powers - different branches are able to do different things, but never everything
Federalism - division of government power
Popular sovereignty - government derives powers from citizens
Republicanism - the country is a republic, in which citizens are represented by elected officials
Checks and balances - used to check other branches' powers to maintain balance of power.
Hope this helps.