Respuesta :


Homogenous in most cases.


Homogenous means that you can't see the different parts of the substance, and heterogenous means you can. In most cases, you can't see the different components of a sugar cookie, although one could argue if you put chocolate chips or something similar in them, they would be heterogenous.


[See Below]


→ Homogeneous:

  • Composed of different components.
  • Particles distributed uniformly. (Random.)
  • Cannot be easily separated.

Ex's: Cereal with Milk,  Soda with Ice, Soil, Blood.

→ Heterogeneous:

  • Composed of consistent components.
  • Particles distributed Non-Uniformly. (In a pattern or certain order.)
  • Can easily be separated .

Ex's: Vodka, Steel, Air, Rain.


So with this information we can determine that a sugar cookie is made up of multiple ingredients. You can't separate all the ingredients when it's in sugar cookie form, therefore making it Homogeneous.



[tex]-Shane, SpamIsTheMan:)[/tex]