1. Brainstorm a list of five or six indicators of success for the American Dream. How can you measure whether it's achievable?

2. List your top two success indicators from your brainstorm list in question 1, and explain briefly why you believe these will help you understand whether the American Dream is still achievable.

3. Write a draft claim based on what you currently know or believe about your research question.

4. List the important words from questions 2 and 3 that you'll use in an initial search.

5. Enter your search terms from question 4 into a search engine. Then, skim the first couple pages of results, and list here five or six additional search terms you could use by skimming the first couple pages of results.

6. Use Boolean operators to write down some additional searches you'll conduct. Use each of these operators at least once: AND, OR, NOT, and quotation marks.

7. Write down the title, author, and publication information for three sources from your searches so far that seem like they would help you understand your research question and help you support your claim in your essay.

8. Now, evaluate the credibility of the first source you listed in question 7. Discuss the author, place of publication, date of publication, validity of information, and transparency.

9. Then, evaluate the credibility of the second source you listed in question 7. Discuss the author, place of publication, date of publication, validity of information, and transparency.

10. Finally, evaluate the credibility of the third source you listed in question 7. Discuss the author, place of publication, date of publication, validity of information, and transparency.

11. Return to the draft claim you wrote in question 3. Here, revise it to ensure that it reflects what you discovered in your research. If all of your (reliable) sources disprove your claim, you should most likely change it.

12. Develop an outline for your essay that includes your claim, your main points, and a note about where each of your three sources will be used in the essay.

Respuesta :

1.) Question:  Brainstorm a list of five or six indicators of success for the American Dream. How can you measure whether it's achievable?

1.) Answer: Many people think the American Dream is dead, but hard work and ... Six out of 10 Americans believe the American dream is dead according to a recent poll. ... believe it's possible to succeed and be better off than one's parents, but ... Whether you're working in an office, as a waitress, or living with your ...

2.)  Question: List your top two success indicators from your brainstorm list in question 1, and explain briefly why you believe these will help you understand whether the American Dream is still achievable.

2.) Answer: It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too ... The American dream, to some families, might mean pursuing a happy life with a ... a lot of Americans that do not believe in the American dream, or believe that it ... Though fate, chance, and luck have a lot to do with one's success, so does ...

3.) Question: Write a draft claim based on what you currently know or believe about your research question.

3.) Answer:  Write a draft claim based on what you currently know or believe about your research question.

4.) Question: List the important words from questions 2 and 3 that you'll use in an initial search.

4.) Answer:  Good research topics usually contain 2-4 concepts. ... The search terms (keywords) you use are extremely important!

(5.)  Question: Enter your search terms from question 4 into a search engine. Then, skim the first couple pages of results, and list here five or six additional search terms you could use by skimming the first couple pages of results.

(5) Answer: . The goal is to use your sources to support your argument rather than to let the ... Clue #2: the MAX page length of five pages, serif 11-point type, 1.5 line spacing, with 1" margins.

(6.) Question: Use Boolean operators to write down some additional searches you'll conduct. Use each of these operators at least once: AND, OR, NOT, and quotation marks.

(6) Answer: . The search strategy should only display results that contain the specific ... Some search engines

(7.) Question: Write down the title, author, and publication information for three sources from your searches so far that seem like they would help you understand your research question and help you support your claim in your essay.

(7) Answer: Gathering Information for Essays which Require Research: Background; Finding ... Most library systems allow you to search by title, author, or subject headings, and ... If you know which books you want, or know a specific author who has written

(8.)  Question:Now, evaluate the credibility of the first source you listed in question 7. Discuss the author, place of publication, date of publication, validity of information, and transparency.

(8.) Answer: This video provides an overview for determining if a source is credible and why it is ... Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML video. ... are the author's level of expertise, her point of view, and the source's publication date....

(9) Question: Then, evaluate the credibility of the second source you listed in question 7. Discuss the author, place of publication, date of publication, validity of information, and transparency.

(9) Answer:  Some of the most important criteria are listed below. ... and credibility of resources is the PROVEN source evaluation process. Authority.

10.) Question: Finally, evaluate the credibility of the third source you listed in question 7. Discuss the author, place of publication, date of publication, validity of information, and transparency.

10) Answer:  In order to determine whether an author is credible, you need to do ... It will be helpful to try and answer the following questions: ... What are the author's credentials?

11) Question:. Return to the draft claim you wrote in question 3. Here, revise it to ensure that it reflects what you discovered in your research.

11) Answer:  When you counter-argue, you consider a possible argument against your ... This is a good way to test your ideas when drafting, while you still have time to revise them. ... of your argument; if it undermines your whole case, you need a new thesis.

12) Questions: Develop an outline for your essay that includes your claim, your main points,

Answer: The purpose of an outline is two fold. First, it helps you organize your topic in a logical manner. Second, it can help you gain insights into your topic that you didn’t realize during the research stage. Your outline will consist of three main sections: the introduction,

All done now will a lot of you right me now and give me five stars and a thanks too thank you very add me as a friend too if you like



