
What form of energy does an electron absorb when moving from low energy level to a high energy?​

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When an electron is hit by a photon of light, it absorbs the quanta of energy the photon was carrying and moves to a higher energy state.

One way of thinking about this higher energy state is to imagine that the electron is now moving faster, (it has just been "hit" by a rapidly moving photon). But if the velocity of the electron is now greater, it's wavelength must also have changed, so it can no long stay in the original orbital where the original wavelength was perfect for that orbital-shape.

So the electron moves to a different orbital where once again its own wavelength is in phase with its self.

Electrons therefore have to jump around within the atom as they either gain or lose energy. This property of electrons, and the energy they absorb or give off, can be put to an every day use.

Almost any electronic device you buy these days comes with one or more Light Emitting Diodes (usually called "LEDs"). These are tiny bubbles of epoxy or plastic with two wire connectors. When electricity


Almost any electronic device you buy these days comes with one or more Light Emitting Diodes (usually called "LEDs"). These are tiny bubbles of epoxy or plastic with two wire connectors. When electricity is passed through the diode it glows with a characteristic color telling you that the device is working, switched on and ready to do it's work.

Deep in the semiconductor materials of the LED are "impurities", materials such as aluminum, gallium, indium and phosphide. When properly stimulated, electrons in these materials move from a lower level of energy up to a higher level of energy and occupy a different orbital.