The original square has one verticles at the origin, which is at (0,0), and the opposite corner at (4,4), we draw the square show below:
The transformation is moving each verticles 2 unit left and 3 units down.
The tranformation rulw can be written as:
[tex]x = x - 2 \\ y = - 3[/tex]
From the graph shown above, we write the 4 cordinate pairs:
Aplying the transformation rule, we subtract 2 from x cordinate and subtract 3 from each y cordinate.
The new transformed cordinate are:
(0,0) >>>>>> (0-2, 0-3) >>>>>>> (-2, -3)
(4,0) >>>>>> (4-2, 0-3) >>>>>>> (2, -3)
(4,4) >>>>>> (4-2, 4-3) >>>>>>> (2, 1)
(0,4) >>>>>> (0-2, 4-3) >>>>>>> (-2, 1)
We name the first four cordinates A,B,C and D, respectively.
The graph ia shown below: