An employee is paid at a rate of $16.78 per hour for the first 40 hours worked in a week. Any hours over that are paid at the overtime rate of oneand-one-half times that. From the worker’s gross pay, 6% is withheld for Social Security tax, 14% is withheld for federal income tax, 5% is withheld for state income tax, and $10 per week is withheld for union dues. If the worker has three or more dependents, then an additional $35 is withheld to cover the extra cost of health insurance beyond what the employer pays. Write a program that will read in the number of hours worked in a week and the number of dependents as input and will then output the worker’s gross pay, each withholding amount, and the net take-home pay for the week. For a harder version, write your program so that it allows the calculation to be repeated as often as the user wishes. If this is a class exercise, ask your instructor whether you should do this harder version.

Respuesta :


Here is the C++ program:

#include<iostream>  // to use input output functions

using namespace std;  //to access objects cin cout

int main() {  //start of main function

int hrsWorked;  //stores the number of hours worked

   int dependents;  //stores the number of dependents

double grossPay;  //stores the gross pay

char choice;  //store the value for choice of user to continue

do {  //loop that keeps repeating as often as the user wishes

  cout<<"Enter number of hours worked in a week: ";  // prompts user to enter number of weeks

  cin>>hrsWorked;  //reads input value for number of hours worked

  cout<<"Enter number of dependents : "; // prompts user to enter number of dependents

  cin>>dependents;  //reads input value for number of dependents  

      if(hrsWorked>40)  //if hours worked are more than 40

       {grossPay = ((40 * 16.78) + (hrsWorked-40)*(16.78*1.5));  }  //employee is paid at the overtime rate of one and-one-half times

       else  //if hours worked are not more than 40

      { grossPay = (hrsWorked*16.78);}  // employee is paid at a rate of $16.78 per hour        

      double ssTax = 0.06* grossPay ;  //computes 6% Social Security tax withheld from gross pay

      double fIncomeTax = 0.14* grossPay;  //computes 14% federal income tax withheld from gross pay

      double sIncomeTax = 0.05 * grossPay;  //computes 5% state income tax withheld from gross pay      

   cout<<"worker’s pay: "<<grossPay<<endl;  //displays workers pay

   cout<<"worker’s gross pay after withholding amounts:"<<endl;  //displays workers pay including withholding amounts

   cout<<"withhold amount for state income tax is: "<<sIncomeTax<<endl;  //displays grosspay with state income tax withheld

   cout<<"withhold amount for social security tax is: "<<ssTax<<endl;  //displays grosspay with Social Security tax withheld

   cout<<"withhold amount for federal income tax is: "<<fIncomeTax<<endl;  //displays grosspay with federeal income tax withheld

   cout<<"withhold amount  for union dues is: $10 "<<endl;   // $10 per week is withheld for union dues

if(dependents >= 3) {  //if worker has three or more dependents

cout<<"withhold amount of $35 for health insurance "<<endl;

  grossPay = grossPay - 35;  }  //an additional $35 is withheld to cover the extra cost of health insurance beyond what the employer pays  

    cout<<endl;  //prints a new line

    double take_homepay;  //stores the net take-home pay for the week.

    take_homepay = ((grossPay- ssTax- sIncomeTax - fIncomeTax) - 10);  //compute the net t ake-home pay for the week

cout<<"net amount take-home pay for the week is: "<<take_homepay;  //displays the net take-home pay for the week

    cout<<endl;  //prints a new line

cout<<"\nDo you want to continue? (press y to repeat or any key to quit)";  //ask user to repeat the calculation

cin>>choice;  //reads choice from user

cout<<endl;  //prints a new line

}while(choice =='y' || choice =='Y');  }   //loop continues to execute till user wants to repeat calculations and stops when user presses any key other than y or Y


The program works as follows:

Suppose number of working hours is 40 and number of dependents is 2

hrsWorked = 40

dependents = 2

if(hrsWorked>40) this condition evaluates to false because hrsWorked is equal to 40 so else part executes:

grossPay = (hrsWorked*16.78); this becomes:

grossPay = 40 * 16.78

grossPay = 671.2

double ssTax = 0.06* grossPay ;  this statement withholds 6% Social Security tax from gross pay. This becomes:

ssTax = 0.06* 671.2;

ssTax = 40.272

double fIncomeTax = 0.14* grossPay;  this statement withholds 14% federal income tax from gross pay. This becomes:

fIncomeTax = 0.14* 671.2;

fIncomeTax = 93.968

double sIncomeTax = 0.05 * grossPay;  this statement withholds 5% state income tax from gross pay. This becomes:

sIncomeTax = 0.05 * 671.2

sIncomeTax = 33.56

if(dependents >= 3) this condition is false because number of dependents is 2

Next to compute  net take-home pay the program control moves to the statement:

take_homepay = ((grossPay- ssTax- sIncomeTax - fIncomeTax) - 10)

this becomes:

take_homepay = ((671.2 - 40.272 - 33.56 - 93.968) - 10)

Note that the 10 here is the $10 per week which is withheld for union dues.

take_homepay = ((671.2 - 40.272 - 33.56 - 93.968) - 10)

take_homepay = 503.4 - 10

take_homepay = 493.4

The screenshot of the output of this program is attached.

Ver imagen mahamnasir