Respuesta :

There are several significant issues that arise when we look at the establishment of civil society in the Middle East, as well as other regions of the world that are culturally different to North America.

One of the greatest challenge is simply lack of knowledge. Trying to implement the concept of civil society in a place like this is difficult because people are not familiar with the concept of civil society. Therefore, even if they were not reluctant to try, an educational process would be needed.

A second problem is that some people would be reluctant to try it because they see it as a "western" or "foreign" concept. They might believe that the implementation of it threatens their traditional culture or their political independence. They might also dislike the West for cultural, religious or political reasons.

A final problem that often arises is the fact that Western scholars do not always understand these cultures well. Therefore, they tend to ignore the social rules, hierarchies, etc. that are relevant when it comes to civil society. Ignoring these would most likely result in the creation of a plan that is not sustainable in the cultural context.