Match the organelle to the description (10 points) 1: Cell membrane A. Power plants of a cell which release energy needed for cell activities 2: Cell wall B. Control center of the cell. The structure that directs all the activities of the cell. 3: Chloroplast C. Series of folded membranes in which materials can be processed and moved around the cell; Smooth: Without ribosomes & Rough: With ribosomes 4: Cytoplasm D. Organelles that sort and package cellular materials and transport them within the cell or out of the cell 5: Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) E. Cells garbage disposal system 6: Golgi body F. Flexible structure that forms the outer covering of a cell, controls movement of materials in and out of cell 7: Lysosome G. Small structures that contain chlorophyll, a green pigment that allows PLANTS to make their own food. 8: Mitochondria H. Living material of the cell found inside the cell membrane 9: Nucleus I. Tough rigid layer that surrounds plant cells 10: Ribosome J. Where proteins are made