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Emotional and Social Development
During the preschool years, your little one is learning to read emotional cues and is getting better at relating to other people, according to the New York University Child Study Center 1⭐
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New York University Child Study Center: The Preschool Years: (Ages Four and Five) Expectations and Challenges
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. He can empathize with others and make friends with other children his own age. By his fifth birthday, your preschooler often seeks friends of the same gender and shows a preference for playing with other children, rather than adults. Your preschooler also engages in pretend play and can probably tell the difference between reality and fantasy, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Physical Development
There's a big difference between a 2-year-old and a 5-year-old. During the preschool years, your child develops in many physical ways. She goes from toddling around unsteadily to being able to jump, stand on one foot, walk up and down stairs and walk backward, according to the New York University Child Study Center 1⭐
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New York University Child Study Center: The Preschool Years: (Ages Four and Five) Expectations and Challenges
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. By the time she's 5, your little one should also be able to ride a tricycle, build a block tower, paint on paper, skip, throw a ball, dress and undress and begin drawing recognizable objects, adds the University of Illinois Extension.