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Answer: A. A constitution, namely that of the United Sates, is typically designed to limit the powers of the government, though the extent that it does varies greatly. B. A government's involvement in any industry, or that government's declaring of commodities as rights. Examples of commodities might include healthcare, access to internet or a living wage.
In the United States we have a Representative Republic, in which representatives are elected to carry out the will of the people. There are many checks and balances, including two bodies of legislature, the filibuster, the electoral college, et cetera. Our Constitution was designed to greatly limit the powers of the government, though we have increased the power of the state and federal government in recent decades. The New Deal, R.oe V. W.ade, and the C.ovid 19 mask mandates and lockdowns are examples of unconstitutional rule by the state and federal governments.
America is exceptional in that we were the first and only country with a constitution dedicated to the utter control of the government by the governed. Other countries where this is definitely not true include the former Soviet Union, the People's Republic of China, and Iran. All of these countries have committed atrocities in the past and the last two do so to this day. These countries' governments are not bound by constitutions and all are major threats to human rights today. These are examples of unlimited governments
Many today support big government, and I must admit, "healthcare for all" DOES sound pretty good. The question is not "is it a right?", because if the government mandates it it is probably not. The question is "does the government have the right?". Another problem with big government is that you can't always control the people in power. Even if you like the policies, there's little stopping a tyrant for using them for ill. Even if you think the person is good, well, let's just say that politicians aren't exactly know for telling the truth...