Calling all ARTISTS! Question Seven (A "test")...from soul eater...Answer ALL
Favorite Colors:
1. Calm Colors Such as White
2. Dark Colors such as black
3. A mix, black/red or orange/white
Favorite hair style?
1. Long
2. Short/Messy
3. Cleaned up (brushed out, nice looking, symmetrical)
Favorite Weapon?
1. Scythe
2. Dual weapon (2)
3. Ninja weapons!!! Shirikens, katanas, nunchucks (I cannot spell so don't ask)

- 1, 1, and 3 you got... TSUBAKI or BLACK STAR (attach a photo of them, search it up and download the pic from google if you got this dynamic duo!)
- 3, 3, 1 you got...SOUL or MAKA (attach a photo of them, search it up and download the pic from google if you got this dynamic duo!)
- 2, 2, 2 you got...LIZ AND PATTY or KID (attach a photo of them, search it up and download the pic from google if you got this dynamic trio!)
- 3, 1, 3 you got...TSUBAKI or MAKA
-2, 3, 1 you got...SOUL or BLACK STAR or KID

If you got anything else other than this you are got....BLAIR the Witch Cat or DEATH! Attach a photo of ONE of these two if you got them!!