The falling action occurred when the Parsee came down from the tree, packed his stove, and went away while the Rhinoceros left for his home in anger.
The falling action in a story refers to the events that occur after the climax and rising action. The falling action shows how the most captivating events in the story are gradually resolved. The story of how the Rhinoceros got his wrinkly skin tells of when a Parsee baked a cake on his stove but the Rhinoceros came and ate it all. The Parsee had his revenge when the weather became hot and they all had to take off their skins. The Parsee took off his hat while the Rhinoceros removed his skin to take his bath. While bathing, the Parsee rubbed cake crumbs on the Rhinocero's skin.
This caused him a great deal of itching and this event marks the climax of the story. When the Rhinoceros eventually left in anger the Parsee came down from the tree where he was observing the Rhinoceros, packed his stove, and went away. This symbolizes the calming down of the climatic event.