What i should do is to modified or change network discovery and file as well as the printer sharing by clicking on the advanced sharing Networking and Sharing Center setting, the second step will be to modified the Public network settings and the third step will be to modified the home network settings .
Based on the information given the first step is to go to Networking and Sharing Center on my system and then click on the
the advanced sharing setting in order for me to modified or change the network discovery and file as well as the printer sharing, although this modification will have to based on the location of the network.
Second step will be to click on the Public network settings and check If network discovery as well as the file/print sharingis is in a disabled mode, once it is in a disabled mode the third step will be for me to change or modified the home network setting in order for it to help disable the network discovery as well as the file/print sharing while the last step will be to check the Domain network settings and the Work network settings which I do not need to change reason been that the setting does not need modification.