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A Change in Leaf Color
Leaves go to a lot of trouble to turn red in the fall.
By Emily Sohn
September 17, 2006 at 11:00 pm
Every autumn, traffic creeps along New England’s roads as visitors look everywhere but at the road. These tourists flock to the region as soon as leaves begin to change color from a summery green to spectacular shades of red, orange, yellow, and purple.
“Being in the Northeast during autumn is just about as good as it gets in this country,” says David Lee. He’s a botanist at Florida International University in Miami.
Lee studies leaf color, so he’s biased. But plenty of other people share his admiration. Areas of the United States with especially colorful fall displays attract thousands of leaf peepers.
Even as they “ooh” and “aah,” few people know what makes many plants blush in the autumn. Research has shown that leaves change color when their food-making processes shut off. The chemical chlorophyll, which gives leaves their green color, breaks down. This allows other leaf pigments—yellow and orange—to become visible.
No one knows exactly how global warming will alter forests and affect fall colors.
But “there’s still a lot we don’t know about this,” Lee says.
It isn’t clear, for example, why different species of plants turn different colors. Or why some trees become redder than others, even when they’re standing right next to each other. And no one knows exactly how global warming will alter forests and affect leaf-peeping season.
In summer, when a plant is green, its leaves contain the pigment chlorophyll, which absorbs all colors of sunlight except green. We see the reflected green light.
The plant uses the energy it absorbs from the sun to turn carbon dioxide and water into sugars (food) and oxygen (waste). The process is called photosynthesis.
When chlorophyll breaks down, yellow pigments in leaves become visible.
As days get shorter and colder in the autumn, chlorophyll molecules break down. Leaves quickly lose their green color. Some leaves begin to look yellow or orange because they still contain pigments called carotenoids. One such pigment, carotene, gives carrots their bright-orange color.
But red is special. This brilliant color appears only because the leaves of some plants, including maples, actually produce new pigments, called anthocyanins.
That’s a strange thing for a plant to do without a reason, says Bill Hoch of the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Why? Because it takes a lot of energy to make anthocyanins.