Write a short response detailing which daily task you chose, and the high level and low level instructions to complete that task.
Abstraction is the process of removing or suppressing details to create a manageable level of complexity. Another way of thinking of abstraction is to think of it as using one word, phrase, or command that encompasses many smaller items, details, or commands. Through abstraction, high level programming languages allow us to use words or abbreviations that humans understand (like "step," "turn," and "FWD") in our programs. These instructions are compiled, or translated, into low level instructions which tell each tiny, individual circuit whether to turn off or on. This is similar to the way our brain can allow us to hear or see an instruction like "pick up a book" and understand it, but our muscles need to have more specific instructions from our brain to carry them out. Choose a simple daily task, such as “walk to the door” or “put on your socks”, and write high-level and low-level instructions to perform the task in English. We are establishing the standard for a low level instruction as contracting, flexing, or releasing a muscle. If you need help getting to a low level instruction, try asking yourself the question, "How do I do that?" For this exercise, one high-level instruction for "walk to the door" would simply be "take a step." A set of low-level instructions for the same high-level instruction would be "flex your thigh muscle" --> "lift your foot" --> "place your foot in front of you on the ground."